Navigate over to the Blameless UI, and from the Retrospective list page, find the Retrospective you want to manage.
The Retrospective page is setup to provide you with the capabilities to manage all aspects of your incident analysis:
The top section provides an overview of the Retrospective metadata, including Retrospective state, owner and export options
The main panel focuses on core Retrospective usability around the summary, custom questions, impact, tags, follow-up actions and root cause
The side panel focuses on collaboration with comments, event timeline, authors, and team
Note: When on the Retrospectives page, clicking on a retrospective link will direct to the record on the same tab. If the user is using Advanced Filters, this would cause the loss of the filters applied to the list.
To avoid this, open the Retrospective in a new tab. Do this by doing the following, depending on your operating system:
- Hover over the desired link.
- Select
CMD + Click
sequence. A new tab opens.
- Hover over the desired link.
- Right-click your right mouse button. A drop down list appears.
- Select the first action "Open link in new tab". A new tab opens.
Within the Retrospective header you can view the following Retrospective metadata and properties:
Retrospective State
Retrospective Created Time
Retrospective Updated Time
Retrospective Owner
A link back to the incident
Changing Severity
Incident severity can be changed at any time via the severity dropdown in the retrospective header:
Sev 0
Sev 1
Sev 2
Sev 3
Note: Changing the severity of an incident will not cause it to inherit the settings of that new severity and type. The settings for an incident are determined by the severity and type when the incident is created.
There are 8 Retrospective states available:
Unassigned: this is the default state for a new Retrospective
Draft Ready
In review
Not required
Note: You can transition to or from these states at any time. If an incident type/severity has "Require Retrospective" enabled in settings, the incident channel will not be archived until the Retrospective has been published, even if the incident is resolved.
Custom Questions contain required fields (*) so you must fill those in before you can publish the Retrospective.
If a Retrospective is required and you still want to archive the channel without publishing the Retrospective, you may set it to the "Not Required" state.
You can prevent users from changing the status of a retrospective to "Published", "Not required", "Approved" or "Rejected" until the incident is resolved, by turning on the Require Resolved Incident setting is turned on under incident type settings. To be enforced, it needs to be set before starting a new incident.
Changing the Retrospective state will be captured automatically in the events timeline.
Assigning Owner
The Retrospective owner can be assigned by clicking on the "Owner" button in the header.
Note: Any Slack users can be selected if the Slack integration is enabled, or any Microsoft Teams users if the Microsoft Teams integration is enabled (but not both at the same time).
Any authorized Blameless user can assign anyone from the Slack user directory as the Retrospective owner for a Retrospective from the Blameless web console (UI).
Those retrospective roles can also be assigned to users on the Retrospective page via the Blameless web UI.
Once the owner is assigned, they will be notified.
Note: When a Retrospective owner is assigned via UI, the state of the Retrospective changes to "Assigned" automatically.
Blameless will remind the Retrospective owner to complete the Retrospective within the specified SLA duration configured in Settings.
Exporting the Retrospective
The Retrospective can be exported to a variety of formats, including:
PDF export allows you to customize the sections you'd like to include, and in which order.
The Retrospective may be exported to one or many emails at once.
Retrospective Overview Tab
The Retrospective overview focuses on core usability around the summary, custom questions, impact, tags, follow-up actions, and root cause analysis.
The summary allows you to provide a digestible brief of your incident. This can be edited by clicking on the edit icon.
Different teams may be looking for different answers. With that in mind, custom questions allow you to define a set of questions to be completed with each Retrospective.
Refer to the Settings Guide for more information on how to configure custom questions for Retrospectives.
The impact section allows you to view and adjust key incident timings as you prepare your analysis.
Display along with other incident related timestamps in the web UI, in between Updated and Start of incident impact:
Start of an incident impact
Note: These timings can be edited by clicking on the edit icon.
The Detection Time timestamp is used to more accurately capture the actual time of detection of a problem tracked under a Blameless incident. It is automatically added to an incident and is initially set to the same time as the creation of the incident. It can then be manually updated and only set to a date and time earlier than the creation date and time.
Similar to the tags on the Incident page, tags is presented here again to provide users with a powerful mechanism for you to capture and label metadata for incidents which can later be viewed in Reliability Insights reports and queries.
Follow-up ActionsFollow-up actions can be added at any point during an incident, especially during a Retrospective. They can be added by clicking the "Add Action" button or the more actions menu.
Mouse over the pencil ion at the edit of the line holding the desired follow-up action. You will see an info window pop up confirming you can edit the action.
Click on the pencil. The line immediately shifts to the right, displaying a radio button.
Click on the radio button. A check box fills the button, the State column of the action changes from Open to Closed or vice versa.
Note: You can click on the radio button again to reverse the “State” value.
Click on the ticket icon. The “Reference an external ticket” window opens, requesting a well formed, required URL that must start with either an http or https header.
Once the valid URL is added, the “SUBMIT” button will go active and you to attach the reference to the follow-up action.
Click on the ellipse and select the “plus” icon or Add Action link. A “New Follow-up Action” window opens.
When adding a new action, you will be prompted to fill out standard fields such as:
Note: If the JIRA integration is enabled, additional fields will also be shown, such as Project and Issue type.
Enter the Summary describing the new action.
Start typing the name of the Assignee. Blameless will autofill as you enter more letters.
Select the Type. You options are:
(Optional) Change the default Jira Project name to a different one. Blameless will autofill as you enter more letters.
(Optional) Change the default JIRA Issue Type from the drop down menu. Your options are:
Note: Additional required Jira fields may show up further below, depending on the selected JIRA Issue Type. If selecting the Epic issue type, Blameless requires you give the Epic name.
Select a Priority value.
(Optional) Change the default value for each required Jira field.
Click on the “Create Action” button.
Note: The default values have either been set globally (Settings > Integrations > Ticketing > Jira) or at the incident type level (Settings > Incident Workflows > Incident Types). Optionally, you can override the default value.
Not all required JIRA field types are currently supported. Blameless supports the following field types:
Supported system fields:
- assignee
- issuetype
- priority
- project
- Summary
Supported types of custom fields:
- Free-form text (string)
- Date/times (date picker)
- Single select option (i.e., radio button, single choice list)
The root cause analysis section provides a traditional N-Whys method for your team to dive deep into the root incident cause. You may identify one item as the root cause.
Retrospective Analysis Tab
The analysis section lets users collaborate on a Retrospective writeup together in real-time.
The analysis section supports rich text with formatting via the toolbar, as well as the ability to easily add images from the event timeline or direct upload into the analysis.
For more information on how to configure the Retrospective analysis template, refer to the Settings Guide.
Retrospective Sidebar
The sidebar focuses on collaboration with comments, event timeline, authors, and team.
When multiple users are collaborating on a Retrospective, the sidebar features avatars indicating which users are editing the Retrospective.
Commenting allows users to collaborate and create a historical stream of discussion with support for replies and @ mentions.
When a user is @ mentioned, they will receive a notification from Blameless Bot drawing their attention to the Retrospective where they have been mentioned.
Comments may also be resolved once a point of discussion has come to a conclusion.
Similar to the events timeline on the Incident page, the timeline is presented here again to provide users with an overview of key events for help in writing up their analysis.
The complete team and collaborators can easily be viewed from the sidebar.
In addition to a Retrospective owner, users may also be assigned the collaborative roles of authors and reviewers during an incident using Blameless Bot.
Note: If the status of the Retrospective is “Unassigned”, but an owner is assigned via bot or UI, Blameless changes the state to "Assigned" automatically.
Once assigned roles, the user will be notified.
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