Features 05/25/2021
NEW! Runbooks Documents
Blameless is excited to announce that Runbooks Documents is now generally available! Runbooks Documents will help SREs and engineers codify sets of instructions that allow teams to resolve incidents faster with greater confidence and less toil. Runbooks Documents is available as a module that can be accessed via a new icon in the main left navigation bar. Creating Runbooks Documents
Blameless Runbook Documents allows users to document sets of tasks and actions step by step structure using a drag and drop interface.
These tasks and actions are not executable through Blameless.
Runbooks Documents List view
Once created, users can filter or sort using different fields to quickly locate the desired Runbooks Documents for their needs.
Usage History
Historical usage of the Runbooks Documents can be tracked under the “Usage History” tab, both in terms of the different instances that have been created and used, as well as snapshot of each instance (as a summary of steps).
Attaching Runbooks Documents to Incidents
During an incident, users can attach one or multiple Runbooks Documents to the incident from the “Runbooks” tab in the Incident UI.
Bug Fixes 05/25/2021
None for this release.
Features 05/03/2021
NEW! SLO Manager
Blameless is excited to announce that the SLO Manager is now generally available! SLO Manager is a new service added to the Blameless platform. This service helps SRE and engineering teams proactively make data-driven decisions about reliability efforts.
With Blameless’ SLO Manager, teams can create distinct user journeys that correspond to their services. Teams can monitor these services’ corresponding SLOs and gain actionable insights via error budgeting. Blameless error budgets help teams understand how much unreliability their services have experienced over a time period, and predict when their error budget will deplete. This helps teams sort services by risk levels and take proactive measures to address any degradation of reliability before it starts affecting customer satisfaction.
Wizard-based SLO creation
Wizard-based SLO creation accelerates on-boarding experience. Flexible organization and grouping of SLOs as user journeys maps to a single backend service or distinct way your users interact with your product or service (Checkout, Account settings, User login, Dashboard refresh, etc.)
Flexible, but customizable Service Level Objectives (SLOs)
Build user journeys with multiple service level indicators (SLIs) and create corresponding service level objectives (SLOs) that align with critical user experiences across your entire production environment.
This includes Blameless-provided SLIs:
- Latency
- Availability
- Throughput
- Saturation
Flexible SLO target options
Apply different SLO targets to the same SLI metrics across multiple user journeys to distinguish between different customer tiers (e.g. high-touch/large customers versus smaller customers) each with different expected Service Level Agreements (SLAs) for the same set of services.
Track Reliability using Error Budgets
Blameless error budgets display the percentage of error budget left during the window, the amount of unreliability left for the window, and a prediction based on burn rate for when your error budget will be depleted (in terms of days).
Native Integration with leading tools
Integrate natively with leading application and infrastructure monitoring tools, such as Prometheus, New Relic, Data Dog, and Pingdom.
Error Budget Visualization
Visualize when your error budgets fluctuate using simple historical graphs.
Multiple Error Budget Alert options
Receive error budget depletion alerts notifying users through various channels such as Slack and email.
Automatically start Blameless incidents
Auto-start Blameless incidents for at-risk services, allowing the SRE and engineering teams to prioritize and take proactive actions to mitigate further degradation of the service and reduce the risk of impacting customer satisfaction. Track error budget consumption over a time-window and predict depletion times based on burn rate.
OpenAPI-based SLO APIs
Blameless SLO APIs with comprehensive online OpenAPI, automates the creation of Service Level Objectives in Blameless and integrates with your own DevOps operations.
Bug Fixes 05/03/2021
None for this release.
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