What is a task?
A task is a reminder to complete an action related to the management of an incident. In Blameless, a task automatically appears in Slack based on:
- The current stage of the incident; and,
- The incident role.
For example, when an incident is initially started, a task may appear to the incident Creator that says, "Assign Communication Lead role." This, along with any other tasks, is displayed as a checklist.
How does Blameless manage tasks?
Tasks are configured in the Settings → Incident Types → <incident type name> screen within the Blameless UI.
This configuration process requires the definition of the following parameters:
- What is the task?: Specifying the action that should be taken.
- When should the task be sent?: The Admin creates a task within a stage of incident completion (e.g., stages can include Investigating → Identified → Monitoring → Resolved). Tasks are automatically sent when an incident progresses into a new stage.
- Who should receive the task?: The Admin selects which incident role should receive the task. Multiple users can be assigned to a single role.
Using tasks
After starting an incident and navigating to the incident's dedicated Slack channel, you will notice a list of tasks below the pinned incident summary.
Complete each task and, then done, click the relevant checkbox. In the example below, the Assign Commander Role task was completed.
After selecting task checkbox, a confirmation notification appears in the Slack chat channel.
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